154. Bee Kept with Adam Martin

154. Bee Kept with Adam Martin

Unlock the secrets to successful farm stacking and low-maintenance beekeeping as we share the inspiring journey of Adam Martin from B Strong Homestead in Cologa, Tennessee. Adam transitioned from city life to homesteading during the pandemic, adapting to the challenges and joys of raising dairy cows and embracing regenerative farming practices. From tackling a lack of electricity with a 12-volt milking system to utilizing bale grazing for winter pasture management, Adam provides practical insights and valuable lessons learned along the way.

Adam's story doesn't stop with cattle. His passion for sustainable living stretches into the world of beekeeping—a journey fueled by a lifelong love for honey. Discover how Adam moved from traditional methods to a more natural, minimalist approach, focusing on techniques like swarm trapping and the use of horizontal hives. This approach not only enhances insulation but also minimizes disturbances during inspections, allowing bees to thrive with minimal human intervention. Adam's experiences demonstrate how beekeeping can be a rewarding complement to any homestead.

Rounding out this enlightening episode, we delve into the broader benefits that honeybees bring to rural properties, enhancing garden and pasture growth through superior pollination. For those eager to try their hand at stacking enterprises, Adam shares a wealth of resources and practical tips, from must-read books to essential tools. Whether you're a seasoned farmer or just beginning your homesteading adventure, Adam's insights and recommendations will inspire you to embrace imperfection and take a hands-on approach to farm life and beekeeping.

Links Mentioned in the Episode
Bee Kept

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by Louis Palfrey


  • (00:00) - Introduction to Stacking Enterprises
  • (01:00) - Meet Adam Martin and Be Strong Homestead
  • (01:55) - Winter Grazing and Farm Practices
  • (02:07) - Podcast Introduction and Beekeeping Teaser
  • (02:41) - Noble Profitability Essentials Course
  • (04:01) - Winter Farm Activities and Manure Management
  • (05:25) - Dairy Cows and Homesteading Journey
  • (10:14) - Challenges and Lessons in Dairy Farming
  • (13:40) - Bull Management and Breeding Decisions
  • (17:05) - Utilizing Milk on the Homestead
  • (20:39) - The Appeal of Beekeeping
  • (23:09) - Starting with Bees and Swarm Trapping
  • (29:04) - Natural Beekeeping Practices
  • (33:53) - The Importance of Local Honey
  • (35:17) - Embracing Regenerative Farming
  • (37:05) - The Shift to Horizontal Hives
  • (39:12) - Benefits of Horizontal Hives
  • (45:37) - Overgrazing and Bee Integration
  • (49:26) - Low Maintenance Beekeeping
  • (52:51) - Setting Up Swarm Traps
  • (01:02:59) - Famous Four Questions
  • (01:08:52) - Conclusion and Resources
Farm Stacking,Low-Maintenance Beekeeping,Adam Martin,B Strong Homestead,Cologa,Tennessee,City Life,Homesteading,Pandemic,Dairy Cows,Regenerative Farming,Electricity,12-volt Milking System,Bale Grazing,Winter Pasture Management,Natural Beekeeping,Sustainable Living,Honey,Traditional Methods,Minimalist Approach,Swarm Trapping,Horizontal Hives,Pollination,Rural Properties,Garden Growth,Pasture Growth,Imperfection,Hands-on Approach,Farm Life,Stacked Enterprises,Milk Production,Farm Animal Care,Cattle Farming,Difficult Birth,Breeding Decisions,Artificial Insemination,Borrowing Bulls,Raising Bulls,Bee Packages,Bee Hives,Mentorship,Swarm Trapping,Varroa Mites,Langstroth Hives,Hive Insulation,Natural Habitats,Cold Weather,Low Maintenance,Human Intervention,Three-mile Radius,Boosting Bee Populations,Traditional Beekeeping,Swarm Traps,Horizontal Hives,Buying vs Building,Dr. Sealy,Cavity Size,Placing Swarm Traps,Captured Swarms,Queen Laying Eggs,Farming Recommendations,Beekeeping Recommendations,Grazing,Homesteading,